Now, a couple of the guys are less than adventurous, and ordered pizza. Personally, I thought that was rather insulting to Racheal, since she went to the trouble of making us a meal. But, I can understand their hesitation. There are some foods I'd really rather not eat also. I did some research on goat, turns out that goat is the most widely consumed red meat in the world, and also the most heart friendly. Gram for gram goat meat has less cholesterol and saturated fat than chicken. 3oz of goat has 122 calories, 2.5 grams of fat (.8 saturated), and 23 grams of protein!
I polished off my bowl, got a little more veggies and broth, and turned down the pizza and later the ice cream that Todd brought out. Then we hit the book of Phillipians, and Paul said to us "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe" Kinda like eating goat stew and not fretting about it.
Peace out.
pr0kforums misses you...
I must say, I ate two bowls full, than ate 2 slices of pizza, and than ate the ice cream.
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