30 April 2008

A walk in the woods

Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous spring day, so we decided to take advantage of it by enjoying God's creation in a natural setting, and a hike in Shawnee Lookout Park was a great way to do so.

It's amazing to look on scenes like that and know that God created them just for me. He knew I would be up on that ridge overlooking this valley, and made sure I'd love it.

Even when the works of man intrude on God's wonder, it's still beautiful. Looking out over the wetlands here, you wouldn't know that 270 different species of bird call this home, but they're there.

This little guy here delighted in us, he flew around and posed for a picture, knowing how striking he would be against a field of green

The mighty Ohio River, looking out towards Kentucky. A natural highway God planned.

Camouflage? What could a tree be hiding from?

Carol loved this purple flower

New life springing from the old

And the happy hikers.

Next Sunday we're tackling Mitchell Memorial Forest, and hopefully soon Miami Whitewater Forest. The park district has a program where when you hike 7 different trails in the Park District in a year,you then become eligible to purchase a wooden hiking staff with the Park District emblem for $3.00. Each year following that you hike 7 trails in the Park District you are eligible to purchase the annual metal insignia for your hiking staff for $2.00. I think that's a cool incentive. I have 3 trails down already!

If you want to join us sometime, hit me up!

1 comment:

inspiredheart said...

Tree??? What Tree?!?!??!! I dont see any Tree?????

You look like you had a really great time. Wish I could be there!

Love Ya